Future Oriented Protein Cultivation 

The project proposes a futuristic protein factory (infrastructure) cultivating cricket and micro-algae on Roosevelt Island, New York. Emerging protein like cricket and micro-algae cultivation requires a much lower input of land, water, and resources, Compared to traditional ways of protein cultivation almost 70 times smaller - Moreover, Crickets and micro-algae have a greater percentage of protein content than traditional meat cultivation. The aim of the design was to develop an innovative mutualistic system between architecture, infrastructure, and ecology. This novel hybrid factory also alleviates the national pollution crisis and, finally, be beneficial for ecological systems and human life in the future.

Cornell University Architecture, Art and Planning

Tei Carpenter & Jesse LeCavalier
Chang-Feng Lee. Seung Won Seo,
                             Jiayi Yi, Yihe Zhang, Mohammed Mansoor
Degree:            M.S. AAD
Summer 2018
2 Weeks
  Rhino, Vray, Photoshop, Illustrator
Site :        
        Roosevelt Island, New York, NY
Type :             
Architecture + Ecology, Infrastructural
                            Symbiosis, Food Production system.